Commercial Technical Services, Projects and Maintenance

We offer our clientele a specialist Niche in older building from b and c Grade buildings which have competitors in their peer group nearby to improve the overall performance of the building without huge upgrades.
Our Goal is to improve the reputation of the building via better services and aminstenace from the elevators to the Air conditioning mechanical services to the lighting to the car park and everything inbetween.

A Specialist Niche’ for Niche’ Buildings

Is your Commercial Building:

  • More than 10 Years old
  • “B” or “C” Grade Building
  • High Turnover of Contractors
  • Repeat breakdowns
  • Has been Neglected or is a little Run Down
  • Has a mix of both Commercial and Residential
  • Complex Maintenance Regime
  • Complex Management Arrangements
  • Underground Car Park
  • Heritage or Prestige

If you’re feeling frustrated with your maintenance and/or projects or you’d like to try a more holistic approach, perhaps we can solve the problem.

Retail Property Maintenance | Melbourne | Sydney | Canberra

More Than Just your Maintenance

We offer our Clientele a comprehensive suite of maintenance, and asset services with access to specialised suppliers and in-house technical and trade staff.

Property Maintenance Services - Forte Asset Services

Services We Offer

The Technical Services, Projects and Maintenance services we offer include:

We Provide preventative Maintenance, Projects, Upgrades, Audits, Repairs and Installation

Forte Asset Services Field Technician working on a control panel serving the travelator in Sydney, NSW

Tailored to Suit

What works on one building doesn’t always work with another. Every building is unique, and every landlord’s situation is unique.

Understanding the parameters, not just in terms of budgets, but in terms of key tenant requirements, long terms goals and ambitions of the Landlord, and local “peers” to your facility, which are competing for your tenant’s dollar.

Our Technical Services Projects and Maintenance is about ensuring your building is in front of your peers. This makes your facility more attractive to both tenants and investors and ensures our long-term business relationship with you.

our Fire Protection Services Technician working on AFSS for HVAC and a Supply air Duct probe in Sydney


Your Building needs a knowledgeable and reliable team to tend to its every requirement. A team that knows the facets of Technical Services Projects and Maintenance with the technical “know-how” gained through experience.

You need a team that has the technical and trade background to know where to source information and specialist skills when the situation requires it.

Our Electrcian working on car park lighting in Sydney

Integrating these Systems Together

We offer tailored solutions which package disciplines together. These minimize project management time and optimize the maintenance regime, which is both an adequate budget and congruent results.

For example, these are just a few ideas:

  • Mechanical Electrical with the BMS, automation.
    • This means the controllers are placed properly in the mechanical switchboards which we provide, and the same engineer interfaces all slave relays and switches. This minimizes downtime with project meetings and “grey areas” of responsibility. We make it work.
  • Mechanical Electrical with the Fire System.
    • This means when the fire trip is triggered by the Fire Indication Panel or elsewhere in the system, we ensure the trip is received by the Mechanical services and relevant equipment is shut down and/or activated based upon the fire matrix and functional specification. We also tell the BMS to suppress all alarms at this time as the Mechanical HVAC system is operating differently in Fire mode.
  • Fire System with the BMS and Access Control.
    • This means the Fire system can signal the BMS it is in fire mode, and suppress HVAC Alarms but generate new SMS and Email alarms to relevant parties. The System can be set to open doors via the access control system or activate additional alarm monitoring over certain doors, in particular, server room doors.
  • BMS with the Vertical Rise System.
    • This offers the opportunity to trend log the performance of the elevators separately from any OEM monitoring (very useful at Contract renewal time) and or generate alarms to key stakeholders if an elevator has stopped or gone into alarm for any reason.
our fire services tech reviewing the programming in a Sydney Fire Alarm Panel

Optimizing for Energy Efficiency

Is your Building running as a holistic system with all the parts working together efficiently, optimizing every joule of energy for the maximum benefit of tenants and investors alike?

Do your tenants want to do business here?
Do the visitors feel safe?
Are the occupants comfortable all year round?


Your Customer’s Impressions

Your customers and the customers of your tenants are forming an opinion about your Building and your company based on their impressions and experience of your Building.

We want to make the best first impression possible to the community, tenants, visitors and investors alike.

How can we improve these impressions, and secondly, how can we reduce the expenditure without negatively affecting the performance of the facility?

Exit Sign Emergecny Light Melbourne

Income Potential

Effective Technical Projects and Maintenance in your Building will deliver improved income.

Your Tenant retention improves, your visitor impressions improve, and the overall business of the building improves. This, in turn, provides the Landlord with a healthy profit and the tenants with a healthy business environment.
It’s a “Win-Win.

Unsupervised Site, Retail maintenance services, Sydney

Technical Projects and Maintenance, Your Asset Services

We have worked many times with commercial property, including:

  • Retail,
  • Commercial Office Buildings,
  • Education,
  • Industrial (Pharmaceuticals, Warehousing, Manufacturing)
  • Entertainment,
  • Clubs
  • Medical
  • and CBD Hotels.

Understanding the pressure on the Asset managers to demonstrate tangible results and savings in the cost ledger to the Landlord is fundamental to their asset performance and management.
It is the core to long-term business relationships and long-term asset stability and Facility performance reputation.

Commercial lighting Control in high-rise office tower in Sydney

Fundamental Asset Services

Reducing costs in programmed or scheduled maintenance, repairs and projects is a core fundamental in the delivery of Asset Services in commercial and residential buildings.

While offering competitive rates and experienced people in a comprehensive scope of trade services, we manage, report and deliver with a view to improving overall Building performance inclusive of energy, budgets, tenant retention, income and overall impressions.

Forte Asset Services HVAC Mechanical

Your Customers Have High Expectations, and Your Competitors Are Keen to win Their Business.

Your Building’s maintenance, functionality, performance, energy footprint and cleanliness reflect on your asset’s reputation and, ultimately, reflect in the value of the asset.

Forte Mechanical Services Motor control HVAC services switchboard

One Organization to Service All your Asset’s Technical Services Maintenance calls.

  1. Improve Time, Improve Performance, Reduce Risk and Reduce Costs;
  2. With the experience, expertise and dedication of our Facility Services Team.
  3. Outsource your Maintenance Management and recover your time.
mechanical air conditioning maintenance and repairs Sydney

“You Will Spend 11 Times More Without Preventative Maintenance.”

Streamline building performance efficiency with an effective Building Services Maintenance team using technology, experience and expertise to enhance your building’s operations and visibility into the maintenance process.

Building Services Maintenance should include proper scheduling, recording and monitoring of the maintenance system within the operations of a building. Reducing downtime and extending the life of your building’s assets.

Considerations on site will include job safety analysis, presentation, timely delivery, work cover insurance and business insurance, compliance to on-site protocols, “white card” industry induction and any delivery concerns.

Our Building Services Maintenance Management’s construction and project background ensure risk minimization and optimise value for money from any vendor.

forte Banner with extinguishers, diesel hydrant pump, fire hose reel, chiller pump, HVAC, services, exit light and more

Commercial Building Main Plant Maintenance

Main Plant Maintennce
Electrical Services
Fire Protection Services
Annual Fire Safety Statement (AFSS)
Mechanical Services (HVAC)
Service Level Agreements (SLAs)
Management Contract
Asset Registers
Energy Management
Integrated Facility Services

Can We Help You Further?
