We offer a wide range of services including Building Services Audits, HVAC Audits, Energy Audits, Controls Audits, “Nabers” Assessments, Energy Management, BEEC’s, and others.
Energy Audits, based upon the Australian Standards, levels 1,2 or 3 are an excellent place to start in terms of investigating specific opportunities to conserve energy and in turn funds. Performing an energy audit it self is the first step to discovering the opportunities which maybe available to improve your Nabers assessment. A Level 1 Audits can take is a little as a day and cost around $1000 with a “Return on Investment” within 30 days, subject to what is discovered.
Building Automation audits can find simple programming opportunities which can save considerable funds without the indoor quality being noticeably affected the occupants of the building.
Field equipment, operation, calibration, obsolescence, compatibility, maintenance regimes, corrective maintenance regimes, upgrades or new system.
BMS control diversity, is your current strategy working for your building? Can the control diversity be improved with minimum cost in simple programming changes? Is there an upgrade opportunity which will improve overall energy consumption providing you an overall return of investment of zero costs or better?
Are you getting your value for money? are you getting the positive outcomes from effective maintenance that you should such as extended life terms of equipment, lower running costs, fewer break downs…… you don’t know what you don’t know….unit you have an audit at least.
Our of sight …out of mind… it is not until something of a critical nature fails or even worse, some one is hurt, that an audit of the elevator system is performed. If your system is our of warranty then perhaps an audit is worth while considering?
Air Conditioning Mechanics will often perform the same maintenance on the same equipment at the same site where it is easy to access. equipment which is harder to reach or there are unknown functionality issues with the equipment will often be left untouched during routine maintenance as the mechanic souse the path of least resistance. How well is your air conditioning and mechanical, HVAC, services actually performing?
Technical Due Diligence is often completed by asking the incumbent contractor, whom provides the maintenance and
digital controls
repairs, about their systems and equipment. What do they always say? Given we are all human, then perhaps, a third party audit might be more appropriate for further details and a greater, more objective, view. Talking to the incumbent is a good strategy, but do you think it would be worth while doing a little more investigation by a third party?
The road map for any facility is the Asset register, inclusive of:
Nabers assessments are constantly being upgraded and/or modified, as a building owner/investor you need to be aware of your obligations. Are you about to lease or sell more then 2000 meters of floor space?
There are legal requirements regarding the CBD lighting assessments, and Nabers assessments, inline with the BEEC, “Building Energy Efficiency Certificate”.
Are you aware of your obligations?