Building Maintenance Services

Building Maintenance Services

Your Building, be that Commercial, Residential, Retail, CBD Hotel, Warehouse or office has a complex array of systems and services which are interconnected and work together. Change one and can affect another or have an adverse effect on your energy bill.

As a multi-disciplined building maintenance services vendor, with the team, qualified and experienced in Building services such as, Fire Protection, HVAC Mechanical Services, General Electrical, Mechanical electrical Automation and some Verticle rise, we can help you with a building services maintenance regime which is both effective, economic and considers statutory compliance.

A few of Our Services

We Tailor Our fire, electrical, HVAC, and controls to meet your budget, your building’s compliance, in the most comprehensive package possible to minimize your time and optimize your spend.

Fire Protection

HVAC Mechanical

General Electrical

Building Services Audits

Emergency Lighting

Energy Management

Facility Services

Car Park Co & Fan Control

Operations & Site Management

Our Vision: – Operational Excellence in Every Building.

How We Help You Improve Income & Reduce Expenditure

Our team are technical and trade based, this gives our clientele an advantage over their competition, how:

✅ Expertise in-house which means less outsourcing, consultants, and lost time
✅ Direct Procurement which means less “layering” for you
✅ Transparent invoicing means accountability to you from us
✅ Software systems for Services dockets and Facility & Building Management Reporting
✅ With Knowledgeable staff, we will not be “railroaded” or “bluffed” into additional works or variations
✅ Buying Power across external trades means lower costs in maintenance and repairs by others if and when required
✅ Additional Technical Support for Our Facility & Building Managers from our technical team

What Makes us Different?

We offer our Clientele choice, tailoring their services agreements to meet their budgets. This is how significant changes for overall building financial performance be achieved.

We offer our services by Employees, avoiding sub-contractor Layering wherever possible.

Our Background it technical and trade | Fire | HVAC | Electrical | Automation | Energy

What are Our Building Maintenance Management Services?

We also offer our clientele a Unique choice. Internal or external procurement of maintenance services.

✅ We have Technical and Trade people on Staff, performing maintenance, repairs, and projects in disciplines such as:
✅ Mechanical Electrical (including Switchboards and Control Panels)
✅ General Electrical (including Distribution and Lighting Switchboards)
✅ Essential Services (including Emergency Lighting & Fire)
✅ Fire Protection Services including Repairs, Maintenance certification
✅ Annual Fire Safety Statement submission to council
✅ Mechanical HVAC Services
✅ Cooling Tower compliance and RMPs
✅ Building Management Systems (Lon, BACnet, Niagara)
Energy Metering and Management (part of BMS)

Let’s Get Started, A Quick Form to Assist You Further

The following is a quick form to help us to help you if you need more information about our Residential Apartment Building Maintenance or a site visit for an appraisal and a quote:
