
Maintenance services in Commercial property emergency lighting essential services fire systems HVAC

Maintenance and Technical Services in Buildings

Forte Technician inspecting equipment as part of daily maintenance checks and tests

Building Recommissioning Improving Building Overall Performance. When do we need to perform building recommissioning?What will it achieve?What is the cost?How thorough should we be? What is Building Recommissioning? Why would we need to recommission our Building When a building is commissioned at the end of construction, the D.L.P, (Defects Liability Period) will typically begin, that […]

HVAC Mechanical Services Audit

Commercial Property Air Conditioning, HVAC, Mechanical Services Do you have an Air Conditioning issue? Air conditioning is one of the greatest issues in buildings, the answer is nearly always yes, the real question is: Do You Have a Reliable System? Our practical approach serves our clients circumstances, with air-conditioning complaints, in an unconventional way, especially […]

Essential Services Generator Test

Essential Services Essential Services Generator Test Regular generator testing is a critical part of any essential services management. Typically the Generator test is completed every month for running, and a load test is carried out about once every three months. Within the load test in the test of the “auto transfer switch” to ensure this […]

commercial property business case for the Facility mananager

Your Property Manager or Client Wants a “Business Case”. a justification for a proposed project or undertaking on the basis of its expected commercial benefit. Your day had been relatively uneventful until, the email from your client or manager, asking you for a “business case” for the project you are proposing. The manager seeks justification […]

Include the Chiller Pumps in the Mechanical Services Asset register of your building

Typical Water pumps which serve our buildings It is surprising exactly how many water pumps there in a building, often with separate plumbing circuits and often more than one pump serving the same task. A major source of energy consumption there are often opportunities to install variable speed drives to soften the start up of […]

Forte Asset Services Building Management Asset register Importance - why have a database

Asset Register importance! Backstory We found ourselves in an a situation, which I thought, had an unfortunate outcome for an employee of one of our competitors. I’m sure you’ve heard the expression “thrown under the bus”, this person was thrown under the entire bus depot. Regardless of the parameters, which are too lengthy to revise […]

Cost Effective High level interface

Single Source Facility Services Facilities Management – Single Source Facility Services Facility Services Management is a diverse and critical operations function that affects all stakeholders, including commercial Landlords, tenants, visitors, workers and the local community. Engaging facility management instead doing it yourself gives you back your time, reduces your risk, and offers a single point […]