Tag Archives: commerical property

Building Audits – Essential and Non-Essential Services, in particular, the services which support the building’s functions, offers the opportunity to create a “control point” from which the building is being measured from to improve it’s performance; to investigate it’s overall technological performance and where the opportunities are. Our Aim is to use the synergies between […]

Asset Register importance! Backstory We found ourselves in an a situation, which I thought, had an unfortunate outcome for an employee of one of our competitors. I’m sure you’ve heard the expression “thrown under the bus”, this person was thrown under the entire bus depot. Regardless of the parameters, which are too lengthy to revise […]

Outsourcing Maintenance Versus DIY Outsourcing Maintenance – DIY: (published in “hotel engineer”) Outsourcing Maintenance: The conversation went a little like this:“Who’s idea was that that is like outsourcing the Engineers job, “what am I gonna all day?” and What about the manager that turns up, he doesn’t know this Hotel as I do, he doesn’t […]

The Data Center did not have an Energy Management System So we “Winged” it and saved $3000 a month “Energy Management by Observation” Data Center Energy: One of our most important clients facilitates a decent size, Tier 2 data center with about 12 Computer Room Air Conditioning Units or CRAC units as the technicians like […]

Return on Energy Management Investment Energy Management Metering. Energy management investment is the application of energy metering your building’s performance and understanding it’s efficiency is critical part of BIM, “Building Information Modelling”; Given any commercial building, with a lower grade and has a few years of reliable service in its history, there is still good […]