Energy Management

Data Center Energy Who can answer the building management system faqs

The Data Center did not have an Energy Management System So we “Winged” it and saved $3000 a month “Energy Management by Observation” Data Center Energy: One of our most important clients facilitates a decent size, Tier 2 data center with about 12 Computer Room Air Conditioning Units or CRAC units as the technicians like […]

time management software

Energy and Resource Sub-Metering? Facility Managers can no longer just wait for the resource bills to pass over their desk and sign them off. Facility owners are concerned with value, nabers ratings and maintaining a sustainable outlook. Owners are more diligent requiring more knowledge as to where their resource dollar is being spent. Marketing pressures, […]

energy management

Energy Management and a strategic Plan for Commercial Buildings The Simplest Strategic Energy Plan is sometimes the best, results are results! The Project saved over 8% on the previous January’s energy, yet it was the hottest January (2013) to date. Energy conservation, a strategic plan Our team were recently involved in a Chiller upgrade project […]

energy management graphs

Return on Energy Management Investment Energy Management Metering. Energy management investment is the application of energy metering your building’s performance and understanding it’s efficiency is critical part of BIM, “Building Information Modelling”; Given any commercial building, with a lower grade and has a few years of reliable service in its history, there is still good […]

Building Technology and Sustainability

Trend Logging Energy Data Trend Logging in the Building Management System Trend Logging data within the Building Management System can be one of the most productive and useful tools within a system. Trend logging energy data an exporting the data in programs such as Microsoft’s excel for analysis is typically a right click and your […]

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